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How to Help Your Teenager Through Divorce

Divorce is a decision that affects the whole family. Teenagers experience many hormonal changes, developmental shifts, and may feel like they are riding an emotional rollercoaster through their adolescent years. When divorce is added to the mix, this can bring about even more hardships for teenagers. They may feel in the middle of it all and unsure how to cope with the changes onset by divorce in the family. Some of these changes can include the following:


  • Changing schools
  • Moving homes
  • Switching back and forth from one parent to another
  • Coping with parent’s unpleasant feelings towards one another
  • Maintaining relationships with both parents


Dealing with divorce yourself can feel overwhelming and quite chaotic at times. Knowing how to help your teenager through divorce is important. The impacts of divorce can grow to affect them socially and academically if their feelings are left unattended. Talk to your teen and make a conscious effort to make this process as painless as possible.


Dial Down the Impacts of Divorce


It’s true, divorce is never easy for anyone. However, there is hope at the end of the tunnel. As a parent, there are ways you can work with your teen to ease the negative effects of divorce on your teen’s life. Here’s some ways how:


  • Prioritize peace: When two parents are unable to get along, engage in constant bickering, and refuse to cooperate with each other, this can cause stress for teens. They may feel like they are the problem. It is important that you keep in mind your teen and their feelings. It is never a good idea to talk down about someone they love. Keep peace a priority to make this transition as smooth as possible.
  • Seek outside support: Divorce is an experience that can reveal a teen’s strengths and coping mechanisms. However, figuring out these strengths or learning ways to cope may not come quickly. Your teen should feel supported by family and friends—these are great resources for them to talk to about their feelings. Understand that you may not be the best person for advice and encourage them to spend time with loved ones.
  • Be Fair: Do not expect your teen to take sides. Your child is entitled to love both parents and remain neutral. Make sure your teen feels free to hang out with the other parent without you getting angry or upset. Teens often want to be fair and give parent’s equal attention—understand this and let your teen feel open to making their own decisions.


Solstice East can help


Solstice East is a residential treatment center for young women ages 14-18 struggling with behavior and emotional issues such as those that can stem from peer-relationship struggles. This program focuses on helping young women heal, recover, and integrate healthy habits into their lives. Students will learn to build healthy relationships, cope with emotions, and effectively communicate. Solstice East gives young women the skills and confidence they need to lead happy and healthy lives. We can help your family today!


Residential Treatment Centers
Residential Treatment Centers for Teens
Therapeutic Boarding Schools
Programs for Troubled Teens
Schools for Troubled Teens

Source: http://solsticeeast.com/blog/managing-the-split-how-to-help-your-teenager-through-divorce

A Parent’s Guide: How To Help A Teen with PTSD


Teens who suffer from PTSD find coping to be extremely difficult. A recent study revealed that memories that come from traumatic events change according to the individual’s perception of the world around them. Naturally, we fill in gaps to make things make sense in our head. The same happens when individuals recount a traumatic event. Events from the past become tailored to meet the individuals understanding of the world and how they believe things happened. This fascinating discovery helps researchers to gain new answers as to how PTSD affects the brain.


Five Ways to Better Days


Teens who struggle with PTSD may respond to trauma through what appears to be “naughty” or “defiant” misbehavior. This is a common misunderstanding. It likely that this can make you, as the parent, feel angry, frustrated, and overwhelmed, but you should not act on these responses. Here are 5 quick tips on how you can help your struggling teen:


  1. Reassurance. We all need reassurance from time to time, but this is especially important for teens with PTSD. You should make an effort to remind them regularly that they are safe and cared for.
  2. Communication. Bottling emotions up is never a good idea. You should open the line of communication between you and your child. Talk about the trauma. Be an active listener.
  3. Expression. You should remind your child that they should express their emotions. This is a healthy and vital part of the healing process. There are many creative ways to express emotions such as drawing, painting, playing music, writing, etc. Help your teen find something that works for them.
  4. Togetherness. Pay attention and nurture your relationship with your child. Set aside time to do things together as a family. This will help them feel loved and supported.
  5. Boundaries. Set limits. Don’t expect too much from your teen, but also don’t become overprotective. Jumping into the normal routine may not be realistic. Be flexible and adjust but remember it’s nothing permanent. Help them come up with a healing plan.


Solstice East can help


Solstice East is a residential treatment center for girls ages 14-18 who struggle with addictive behaviors or other mental health issues. Solstice East emphasizes physical fitness and nutrition as a part of integrating healthy habits into the lives of young women. Students will learn how to cope with their emotions, create healthy boundaries, maintain and nurture relationships, and develop skills useful in the real world. This program gives students the opportunity to develop confidence, a greater sense of self-awareness, and the skills they need to lead happy and healthy lives. Let us help your family today!


Article Source: https://solsticeeast.com/blog/a-parents-guide-how-to-help-a-teen-with-ptsd/


Residential Treatment Centers
Residential Treatment Centers for Teens
Therapeutic Boarding Schools
Programs for Troubled Teens
Schools for Troubled Teens